This Pisces full moon takes place on the 12th – 6th axis of the zodiac wheel. Hidden enemies in large corporations / companies / politics will come to the fore and there will be great social unrest (Uranus, ruler of 12th in the 1st).
Men and
women (Mars and Venus) will unite together in protests demanding better working
conditions, employment solutions, better healthcare, etc Young people will feel
sickened and done with the perverted elites. These protests/ demonstrations
will be long- drawn because the second house falls in the sign of Taurus. They
will also form organizations, units, syndicates and such.
There will
be many legal matters (Mercury, ruler of 3rd, positioned in the 7th)
that should be further investigated, trialed and settled. However, not much
progress will be made here, thanks to the retrograde of Mercury which will
force many reevaluations and reexaminations of the cases. Landowners will have
to wait until the retrograde period is over before a clear decision is given
out by the courts. The landowners will feel sickened and burdened by the
country’s economic situation and the over – taxation of their property. There will
be legal troubles concerning lower education matters and tough decisions will
have to be taken. Education policies may suddenly change.
Many hidden
love affairs and break – ups will abound and much romance will be in the air.
However, young people (middle 20s – 50s) will now concentrate more on work and
everyday routines because vacations are finally over. (Mars and Venus in the 6th)
People will
feel depressed and weighed down. (Saturn the focal planet of a mutable T- square)
New ways of dealing with economic crises and meltdowns should be reinvented.
Something has to give in order for us to be able to better manage money –
related things, and by learning from past mistakes on a global scale. There may
be an underlying sense of optimism but it will be outweighed by a general
heaviness in the air (Neptune opposite Jupiter). Employees and foreigners will
demand justice and better treatment. They will also feel entitled to this
(their) rights. (Sun, ruler of 6th in 6th) They will also
feel drained and overworked and financially exhausted. Many hidden matters will
come to the fore and the financial institutions will come down very hard on
politicians/ elites (Pluto, ruler of 8th, in the 10th)
will do everything in their power to stay on “top of the(ir) game”. They will
try to coerce people into submission using the same old lies while pretending
to be our saviors. (Pluto sextile Neptune, Pluto sextile Moon and Pluto trine
Sun, Pluto trine Jupiter). People will not buy it this time. (Saturn T –
square) There will be enmity and no co – operation between the political
parties and everyone will try to use every means they have to achieve their end
goal: ruling over people. Some scandals concerning politicians and the elites
will probably be dealt with by the courts
(Mercury in Libra in the 7th) and even come into the public
light through the mass media.
People will
want to liberate themselves from the political and financial enslavement and
will find it pretty damn tempting to take things out in the open, being bold,
making brave decisions and taking their fate in their hands! (Uranus in 1st
square Pluto in 10th, in trine with Mars and Venus in 6th). People will also rebel against those corrupted who are now in power. They (politicians) will try
to stay on top by gaining and /or providing special benefits/perks to some working
casts/ classes/ foreigners. However, these things are not genuinely and
wholeheartedly offered. (Saturn, ruler of 11th in the 8th house
, in square with the axis of the full moon, 6-12). There will be many obstacles financially from
older people in providing these things to the immigrants, the poor, the
unemployed, etc