I recently have been through a horrible transit of Saturn to my Sun and Moon. I can remember my life before and after the transit because it was so distinctive in what it left me as remnant.
In this article I will elaborate on the harsh aspects of transiting Saturn to the natal Moon. A general rule is that a Moon that is healthy in the natal chart (eg not debilitated in the sign of Capricorn or in fall in Scorpio) and that has supportive aspects from other planets (especially personal ones) will not produce so horrible a result. But that is not always the case...
I remember when I had the transiting Saturn square my natal Moon in Aquarius. My natal Moon receives many good aspects, including (but not limited to): Moon conjunct Mercury, Moon conjunct Venus, Moon trine Jupiter. ;) I have never had any short - term memory loss or concentration problems for a very loooong time -- until this transit hit. When this transit hit, I was not only feeling more depressed, cold and emotionally withdrawn (in years!) but I also was experiencing memory problems. I would keep forgeting names that were spoken to me just minutes or seconds ago.
Maybe this transit was hard on me (and my memory) because my progressed Moon was also beginning to ingress into Capricorn when Saturn started ingressing into Scorpio. ;) But what did I learn, concerning this transit?
Things that you should (more or less) expect are:
1. emotional coldness and aloofness
2. distant behavior from and towards other people (especially older people and ladies)
3. problems concerning digestion and / or eyesight
4. maybe general feeling of weakness (anemia) and depression
5. short - term memory problems (leading to long term memory problems if you're a student)
What are the most difficult aspects to deal with?
1. Conjunctions (same sign)
2. Oppositions (opposite signs)
3. Squares (3 - 4 signs apart)
To conclude, I advise people going through this transit to be patient and be kind to themselves. Eat well and maybe take some vitamins. Another trick that seemed to work is drinking hot chocolate milk (along with vitamin supplements). This too shall pass and is only a "phase".