NEW MOON IN SCORPIO (11/11/2015)

by Astroglitter

This month begins dynamically with a New Moon at 19 Scorpio 0' 40'' on 11th of November. The chart of the NM is shown below:

New Moons mark new beginnings and the culmination of a NM cycle happens on the Full Moon which usually takes place 6 months later in the opposite sign.

The ASC of the NM is in Cancer signifying that matters that have to do with our country, the sea, our family ties/ roots, the economy and our home (4th house) in general will be the main focal themes of this new moon. The ruler of the ASC is in Scorpio conjunct the Sun indicating that the general population will feel strongly about the above matters. The Moon is also positioned in the 5th house of creative projects and endeavors and the general population will generally feel strongly about matters that have to do with their children, their financial situation and taxes. The Moon is receiving supportive aspects from Jupiter in Virgo, Pluto in Capricorn and Chiron in Pisces. Chiron in Pisces is all about compassion. In the 10th of this NM and trining Moon it shows that there are past hurts about public image/ worldly reputation/ work - career and finances that needs healing and now is the perfect time for that. Jupiter is sextiling the Moon and the Sun and is ruling Sagittarius and Pisces. Some people / syndicates will take legal action to protect their property and their rights at work and may get results that are very satisfactory. Moreover, some people in authority will make some concessions to prevent a public  "outcry" stemming from impoverished and unfairly wrong-crossed people -- mostly of the lower class (Pluto trine Jupiter). (Announced on TV already about some insignificant but important salary raises for those working in the public sector!) But, there still is a "window" for secret dealings that have to do with the juicidary system, higher education, related laws and the refugee crisis (Saturn squaring Neptune). We see in the news about the corruption of courts - judges, many injustices in higher education and serious disfunctions (such as favoritism and nepotism) and and the dismissal of the refugee crisis subject as something that is trivial. (Nothing new here.. just things that are coming more to light!) Since Saturn is traveling through Sagittarius -- the sign of justice -- and squaring Neptune in the 9th it can mean that more such scandals and corruption news will come to the fore!!! Remember.. Neptune creates foggy situations but Saturn dissolves the illusions acting as lighthouse! Saturn is doing a good job -- indeed!

People will re - evaluate their ideas  and life philosophy concerning their health and working conditions and higher education. Fewer people will now be able to attain higher education due to extreme poverty and unemployment. Something good and stable is in store (Saturn sextile Venus) that has to do with relationships this month (Saturn ruler of Capricorn, 7th house). (For people who are single it is a good time for beginnings in relationships because they will have a serious tone and will not be of a casual nature.) Financially, things will be a little bit more stable for the time being.

Mercury is in the 5th house also and receiving mostly supportive aspects. Since Mercury rules the 4th house and the 12th of the chart, it signifies that matters that have to do with contracts, money, real estate and communications/ publications/ news will not be adversely affected this month. Things will be normal, dull and not overly exciting which for now is a good thing.

Mars is ruling the 6th house and is in the 4th house of country/ roots/ home/ army, etc Mars is the fighting spirit of the people in Greece. They will fight for their country, their beliefs, their land, their property, their dignity and their right --  rightfully so! The interesting thing to note is the gradual pass-over of the (transiting) nodes from the 1 - 7 axis (Aries - Libra) to the 6 - 12 axis (Virgo - Pisces) which happens to coincide with the passage of Mars from Virgo to Libra!!! The North Node in Virgo signals a new beginning that is somehow related to (physical) health, social benefits, perks, services and privileges provided by hard work and by the state, land related law, animal welfare, psychological health and refugees/ immigrants/ the poor. All the forementioned subjects will be accentuated and more pronounced for a couple of years. The transition of the nodes signals a new beginning and Mars conjoining this point indicates dynamic action and decisive beginnings!

Another thing to notice is that there are two astrological patterns that are hinting to unresolved anger on issues that have to do with (mostly basic) human rights and the right to self - expression of the masses. This is shown by the two distinctive YOD configurations:

A. Uranus (Aries) quincunx Moon + Jupiter and Moon sextiling Jupiter and

B. Uranus (Aries) quincunx Sun + Jupiter and Sun sextile Jupiter

"With the quincunx, there is often a sense that one thing has to be given up in order to gain in the other area, that there are always difficult choices to make. The focal point (in this case, Uranus) will be an area where big life lessons occur." (Cafe The first YOD indicates that something has to give regarding matters of the 4th house (land, home, property) and the 5th house (creative/ bold action and projects). This could mean that some people may lose their homes, some will not. It's a matter of choosing the right battles and taking proper action without letting emotion interfere so much. People will team up/ form unions/ parties, etc to fight for their rights (Uranus in the 11th). And this is something that can easily be achieved on this NM thanks to the supportive aspects to the Moon + Sun and Jupiter from other planets.

There is still in effect the Pluto - Uranus square which is loosening up. People in power will be "obsessed" and power - mongering using (what else again?!) technology and mass media/ social media propaganda and "horror stories" to punish people that are protesting in pockets around the country! Pluto in the 7th signifies obsessions and fixation toward an object of desire -- or hatred! ;) Pluto is obscure and unrelenting in nature! However, the gradual "speeding up" of Uranus in relation to Pluto shows that people in power will be stuck in the same old rut (mold and mode!) of behaving, being and doing things! On the other hand people will claim what is rightfully theirs! 

Lastly, there is the sesquiquadrate of Saturn - Uranus. This aspect has something deriving from the nature of the square (conflict) with the EXCEPTION that the most fast moving/ fast paced planet must adjust to the demands of the slower one (Like it or NOT!). In this case Saturn in the 6th is the more fast moving planet compared to Uranus. And where is Saturn positioned? IN the 6th. Well, we already saw that some people in power "gave back" something more in areas that have to do with unemployment, benefits and working conditions. New massive job opening programs are going to run from the next month on in Greece. Some workers managed to win a victorious battle for basic workers' rights that were rightfully reclaimed back! Also it was announced (on TV) that many people will get a slight raise of income. This is an obvious result of this aspect.

* Αναφορά πηγής - Source: (