Total Lunar Eclipse - Full Moon (September 28th, 2015)

by Astroglitter

On the 28th of September, at 4.50' am and at 4o 40' of Aries a Total Lunar Eclipse takes place. By taking a first glance of the chart it dawns even to a beginner in astrology that this Eclipse - FM is full of tension and potential. The most remarkable aspect that stands from the chart is the Mars - Saturn square. The signs that will most be affected by this SQ are the cardinal ones (Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn)  of the first decan and other people that have angles/ personal planets or important points on the 4rth degree of these signs.

Mars, the ruler of the 8th is in the 12th house and SQ-ing Saturn. This is indicative of economic blocks that are putting a stall in the progress of all the working classes and also the refugees. Mars is also in the sign of Virgo, the sign of pets and domestic animals. The economic crisis will have a profound impact on pets and we will see many incidents of malnutrition, sickness, abuse and mistreatments of animals.

Mars opposite Neptune in the 1- 7 axis is indicative of passive aggressiveness and scandals in the economic front. Mars also rules the 3rd house. This leads to psychological problems, extreme stress and tension in the body, nervousness and anger that will be expressed verbally or on the move (eg road rage). Also many breakdowns will probably happen in the communications and the media will try to silence any opposing and non - conforming views now that may originate from people that were mistreated or abused -- even by the state!

Venus rules the 9th and 2nd house and is SQ-ing Saturn. This again is an aspect of economic stagnation and non - progress. Money coming to us from foreign allies/countries soon have to be paid back to other countries. Diplomats/creditors and countries from abroad will play a vital role in this blockage and will keep an eye on the expenditures of our country.

Jupiter rules the 12th and 4th house and is placed in the 1st house. There will be extreme optimism as far as new relationships/ventures/partnerships are concerned and an idealization that will soon turn sour. Chiron in the 7th house in opposition with Jupiter means that we have placed some people on a pedestal and now they proved to be "less than we thought"/failures/crooks. This has also happened in our relationships due to endless mass media propaganda and brain washing. For years we maintained relationships out of sheer societal pressures and obligations. This aspect in the 1 - 7 axis is indicative of emotional abuse that must now be released.

Another aspect that points to this realization is the Neptune - Mercury quincunx. This aspect is an expression of the finale of unequal relationships (friendships, especially). Deception or sorrow surrounding contracts is a given with this aspect.

The ruler of the 5th, Saturn, is in the 4th house of land, farms, seafaring activities, national property, sea, the masses). Saturn in the sign of Sagittarius means that all the above matters will be scrutized thoroughly by foreign agents. Foreign agents/countries/policies mingling in the above subjects of our country in an anabashed manner. Moon is in the 7th house. Angry people, frustrated. People need a break. They need to break out/away of abusing partnerships (of all kinds!!). Since Aries is also egocentric in nature, matters pertaining to the 'self' and 'ego' are more likely to be stressed now. People will want to break free of the abuse (Moon in Aries in opposition to Lilith in Libra).

Abusing relationships raise the ego / self-worth of some (shallow) people (True Node in Libra in critical degree): It will be CRITICAL  that partnerships formed now be equal, mutually supportive and any attempt to serve only the self will be met with opposition/frustration/breakups and failure.

There are many T - Squares in the above chart that are the ground for growth and offer the potential for a new beginning but this beginning will take place in irregular bouts and will be violent/raw and unstable:

1. Saturn (focal planet) - Mars+Part of Fortune (opposition)
2. Saturn (->>-) - Mars+Neptune (opposition)
3. Saturn (->>) - Jupiter+Neptune (opposition)

4. Pluto (focal planet) - Sun+Moon (opposition)
5. Pluto (->>) - Mercury+Uranus (opposition)