Hello my fabulous fans! I've been busy and around managing to juggle both work and studies for the past couple of months! Now I am back and readier than before to offer you some spicy details on the celestial and worldly affairs..!
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This Capricorn Full Moon (CapFM) takes place on July 2oth, 2016 and at 01.56am (Greece). Each country and individual will be differently affected according to their own chart of birth time / progressed chart and according to how these charts inter - act with one another. However, there are some general themes that can be pointed out and that will mostly play out as events or psychological reactions to events. Let's begin our analysis:
1. The Ascendant of the FM is in Taurus. Taurus is the sign of beauty, fatty food, arts.. etc. It's a sign ruled by Venus. Venus is a female planet that wants to possess beautiful things -- imagine jewelry or gems and diamonds. In esoteric astrology Taurus is ruled by Vulcan. Sure Venus knows how to behave and use politeness as a weapon if need be.. or make a poison with it! Let's also take in mind that Taurus rules our self - estheem and our assets, eg houses, cars, businesses, etc.
2. Mars is in Scorpio. Mars is the traditional ruler of Scorpio. Scorpio symbolizing many things such as death and rebirth, war, secrecy, corruption and secrets, the occult, enmity, huge corporations, legacies, money transactions, the mafia, betrayals, revelations etc He is gaining strength after the retrograde motion in the previous two months (almost) and being about ready to move forward. Mars is openly opposing this full moon's ascendant. This perfectly describes the current situation in which people are losign their homes due to massive foreclosures across the country. Many people seeing their salaries and pensions cut and many others commiting suicide. Scorpio is about the hidden and much of the above are stuff that the general populace can sense but very little to nothing is mentioned on mainstream media about this tragic situation.
3. Midheaven of the FM is in Aquarius. Midheaven is placed in the first decan of Aquarius. This means that the most important planets to observe in this chart are: Mars - Pluto, Uranus, Venus. Let's break it down to make the info more palatable. The ruler of Aq is in the 12th house of this FM. Also the Uranus - Pluto square has not loosened up completely. Uranus is in battle with rotten things and tries to bring out only the good stuff and the light instead of promoting the ongoing worldwide corruption in every scale, shape or form. Some psychologists and astrologers say that the 12th house relates to the subconscious forces, our sleep habits, secrets and things we prefer to keep hidden even from ourselves, such as traumas. Uranus there stirs trouble because it will bring about many sleepless nights and restlessness to the masses in general, to foreign countries and diplomats, to ambassadors, to members of the judicial system. Indeed, many people will have headaches and will not be able to have a peaceful night's sleep. This will be more escalated because outer events will keep us on our feet -- not knowing what will hit us next!
4. Keep in mind that Mars is gaining power! Mars is currently in his shadow. Not having his maximum strength. He is gaining momentum for the next battle when he reaches Saturn! This is when I foresee that religious fanaticism will reach a peak for this year. And many astrologers know that Saturn - Neptune agitates all matters related to the head such as depression, schizophrenia, loss of faith, fanaticism. No wonder that when Mars gets involved with bad aspects with Neptune or Saturn bad psychic experiences are the name of the game! Is this the "signal" of a new Holy War hat is about to commence in a wide scale or a new war starting to end the lunacy of faith "extremism"? Maybe...
4. Saturn and Mars in the 7th house denote that this month (for now) will perfectly mirror the saying: this is "a dog - eat - dog" world. Political parties will further break down. Scandals will be coming to the light so fast that one will not be able to keep up with all the incoming flow of info. Health benefits will be taken away. Uranus is fighting along against exoteric giants and doing a good work at that -- bringing about revelations and uncovering bitter and enlightening truths! Male and female politicians and foreign agents will behave eratically (Uranus T-Square with Sun and Moon). So will the masses. Young people will enjoy a happy time. However scandals in the education system are not ruled out because there are tension aspects with the Sun in the 3rd house and Mercury in the 4th. Teachers and students are not given the whole truth on some matters or are faced with false promises.
5. Since the sign of Leo is related to hobbies, children, gambling and sports I foresse that something important is in the cards for Greece. Is it a medal for a Greek young (probably) female athlete? Or will it be a scandal because we have a Neptune quincuxing Venus and Mercury in Leo? Hmmm...
6.I don't want to scare people out but the most dangerous planets that we will have to keep an eye on are Mars and Pluto. Uranus is the revealer. He just reveals the truth. Mars and Pluto however are playing a dirty game and we must be careful because there are many sick people out there who will lash out on innocents to survive or promote other hidden and insidious agendas for power and / or money. Turkey has many Scorpionic traits and we now see how disgustingly ruthless behavior their prime minister exibits. This country has gotten into a power trip and is internally a wrecked country but acting in such obnoxious ways as to deserve "a slap in the face"! But what country will take this role and teach them a lesson? I only pray for the millions of innocents but the fanatics and lunatics should be taught a lesson -- the sooner the better! Turkey is being helped by the EU most probably (Moon and Pluto in Capricorn) and to be more specific .. Germany. What a joke! (huh...)
The signs that are being affected by this FM the most are those that are on the last degrees (decans) of Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo and the 2nd decan of Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius, Taurus and Capricorn.