On September 18th, 2015, Saturn finally leaves Scorpio and ingresses into the sign of Sagittarius. The distinctive characteristics of the ingress chart of Saturn (irrespectively of the houses) are some astrological configurations which are problematic. There are two T - squares:
1. Pluto (focal planet) - Uranus - Mercury Rx (retrograde)
2. Saturn (focal planet) - Neptune (retrograde) - Jupiter
The first T - square focuses on those in power. Will those in power manage to drive us out of the (global) refugee crisis? Will the governments and societies be able to rule out and correct the injustice that permeates people's rights (health -/ work - wise). Will people and refugees manage to co - operate, get along with each other and get out of this crisis "intact"? My opinion is that there will be the determination of people in power and in most (capitalist) societies to do just that because the focal planet (Pluto) is supported by a sextile (Neptune) and a trine (Jupiter). This combination is called 'Thor's hammer'. Thor's hammer is an astrological configuration in which an opposition of two planets (in this case Neptune - Jupiter) is helped out by a third planet which lessens the opposition "stress" by sextiling the planet in one end and trining the planet at the other end.
However, due to the general, global economic crisis, borrowing money from abroad will be very difficult. People will have trouble with the foreingers because they are not used to so many people flocking massively in the EU and maybe some to the US. This is indicative of Saturn in Sagittarius. Saturn however is the task master, the tester and the authoritative judge. Our perception regarding other races, peoples, foreigners will fall under re - examination and will probably have to change.
Many people (including immigrants and refugees) will have trouble with the law (2nd T - square). Many scandals probably concerning people in power / the church and under - handed dealings/ briberies will come to light probably in a schocking and painful manner.
As far as diplomacy and foreign policies are concerned things will be heated. There's Mercury in this chart in Rx in Libra, the sign of open enemies, contracts, unions, the law, etc. I think that each party / country/ union will try to force their own point of view upon the other members and there will be stubborness.
There's also another Thor's hammer. This gives me hope that many people, unions and protests will manage to be resolved/ find a middle - ground solution. This configuration consists of Venus trining Uranus and sextiling Mercury. Creativity and bravery will be the reason why this might happen.
Saturn square Neptune aspect is the aspect of psychological problems and depression. There will be moodiness and many people will feel that they're sailing towards a destination having nothing to rely on /no hope at all. My advice for everybody is to keep as healthy as they can (body and mind - Virgo/Pisces axis) and develop inner faith. Remember, Sagittarius is the sign of justice. Scams and phoneys will have to be put into the place they diserve -- maybe even in jail. The same goes for higher education. Maybe many institutions will merge or maybe some courts will close and less will be in full operation. Young people (Mars/ Venus) will have trouble getting into higher education. They will feel many obstacles (Saturn square Mars and Venus) and they will feel somewhat depressed (Saturn conjunct Moon) and blocked in their action. They will feel that they are so burdened with duties and responsibilities. Lastly, since Neptune is the ruler of Pisces and indicative of water, and Neptune is opposite to Jupiter (the traditional ruler of Pisces) and square Saturn, we might hear about many shipwrecks or water pollution/ water crimes - poaching on the news. We might also be careful because the health axis in general is in a stressful aspect which means that people will feel weak, tired or get sick more often in the next couple of years.
Chiron is in opposition with the Sun and in trine with the moon. We will feel that we have a wound that will now fall under the light and be obvious but it will hurt. Our identity will feel wounded. So will our kind and feminine side. However, we must nurture ourselves and the people we love and manage to heal that wound by being of (purposeful) service. We should learn that we still diserve to be loved and appreciated and me must also teach other people to do so.
Saturn however, will benefit most (and mostly in unexpected ways) representatives of the fire and air signs. They will be the most lucky ones (in general)! The signs that will have the most problems are Virgo - Pisces, Sagittarius and Geminis!