by Astroglitter
On September 13th, a New Moon will take place in the sign of Virgo, at 8:41am and at 20 degress and 10 minutes. What does this New Moon bring into our lives and what does it reveal?
First of all, the Ascendant of the NM (new moon) is in Libra, the sign of marriage, unions, open enemies, diplomats, juicidal cases, social harmony, etc. The ruler of the ASC (ascendant) is in Leo which means that new unions, battles, contracts that will begin now will be based on flashes of ego and wanting to lead/be in the center of attention. Venus is coupled with Mars meaning that bold and decisive actions will be taken towards achieving that goal. However, Mars rules the 7th house of the NM's chart, meaning that there will also be disputes and fights in the process of forming (political) unions or taking group action. Also, since Mercury is conjunct the ASC in the 1st house, these unions will be very flaky, nervous, stubborn and also indecisive -- a distinctive Libran trait! ;) We also should note that Mercury will soon turn retrograde and now is in the so- called "shadow" period. Meaning that many of the above will fall under the domain of re - examination. Maybe there will be formed parterships, groups or political parties or fights will take place in which persons from the past will probably play a significant role now. This is indicative of Uranus which is in the 7th house of partnerships which is retrograde. Many old cases, disatisfaction and protests about human rigths (Aries) will come into the picture -- once again!
Mercury is the ruler of the 9th and 12th house of the chart. The philosophy of many people will start changing concerning matters such as (il)legal refugees, migration, human rights, workers' rights, senile people's rights, animals' rigths, soldiers' rights, etc But there will be indecisiveness (Mercury in Libra), stubborness combined with determination and a strong indomitable will (Mercury square Pluto and Mercury opposite Uranus). The old order (politicians, bankers, political parties) being represented by Saturn in the 2nd house, show that the above mentioned people will have a hard reality check. Their self esteem will be tested. Many of the parties involved will be dissolved or scandals will come to the fore concerning the themes mentioned in the 2nd paragraph of this article (Saturn square Neptune). Money will not be forthcoming to the parties nor will they provide it to the people (Saturn in 2nd house). Their foundation will be dissolved somehow with this square. This economic stinginess and emptiness will not be condusive to the formation of new parties and all new initiatives that begin with this NM (Saturn square Mars in the 11th house). The groups, parties, organizations will be overly optimistic (Jupiter in the 11th) or many of them will be established but with no good luck to begin with. They will be disillusioned (Jupiter opposite Neptune) and few of them will be able to grasp the bigger picture now (Saturn focal planet of a T-square with Jupiter and Neptune). Saturn will also squash this optimism (Saturn square Jupiter). Jupiter in this chart rules the 6th house (traditionally Pisces) and the 3rd house of the chart. Probably promises will be given out to foreigners, higher education establishments and young people and also immigrants and the working class/soldiers/elders, but their hopes will be squandered and carried into the wind.
Meanwhile, these same old order of political "things" trying to suck every last cent from the pockets of the people, not having learnt a single - one lesson so far (Saturn still in Scorpio in the 29th "defeatist" degree). This is a karmic degree but more on this in the future, maybe. People will generally feel lost, divided, confused -- especially in Greece where elections will once again take place soon after this NM. This NM carries no promise of stability for new ventures that begin now. It is a horrible NM, full of deception and chaos.
Pluto ruling the 2nd house of the chart will be in the 4th house of the chart. The meaning is that the elite of the elite in power (aka bankers, respectively) will do anything in their power to be emotionally manipulative towards the political parties (Mercury in Libra and the general population that are angry -- Uranus in Aries). They will also try to take charge or completely confiscate the property of the people (4rth house = house of property and physical security blanket/foundations). However, Saturn in the last degrees of Scorpio is not helpful at all to Pluto. Meaning that they will not be able to make any more attempts through the banks to "rob" the workers and the people. Not that they won't give it a try though. Maybe many banks will downsize or merge with other banks now (Saturn square Neptune). For the elite to do this, they will "gamble" in a way (Pluto sextile Neptune), meaning they will use propaganda as they usually do or take advantage of some prestigious personas that will be used for coersions and persuasion of the masses. There will be many briberies, offers, and under-the-table dealings having to do with both men and women in power or foreign secret agencies or foreigners/special working classes that will be beneficial for both parties. These favors will be used by the elite in order to gain them respect and a place under the sun (in the elections to come). The impoverised people will be angry in general and will rebel against those in power (Pluto square Uranus). The elite will also try to control the result/outcome of many legal cases/battles (Mercry in Libra in square with Pluto in the 4th). People will rebel against courts and will not tolerate their properties being taken away.
Neptune is in the 5th house of the chart. People will want to throw caution to the wind or believe childishly in higher ideal about their living/working/health condition but they should be forewarned that this is not going to go down well with them in the (near) future. There is nothing "pure" (at least as far as the elections are concerned) to believe in right now. Probably, many people will get sicker, poorer, unemployed etc because Neptune rules the 6th house in the chart and is positioned in the 5th squaring Saturn in the 2nd. Their self - estheem will also drop tremendously. Many things are now being planned under the table and is not for the benefit of men/women in general because Chiron in the 6th house is in opposition to the moon and sun in the 12th. People will have to help other people to get into healthier habits and support others who are less fortunate than themselves.
Uranus in the 7th house in quincunx with Sun and Moon in the 12th means that people will be right dead on in sensing that things are planned without their consent behind closed doors and will want to release themselves from the "middle ages" of working/health conditions. They will be fed up with all the abuse of their rights. Protests will be organized with the help of technology and groups will formulate to stand against the politicians and the banks (Saturn in the 2nd, Pluto in the 4rth).
As far as resources (shared are concerned) by Taurus in the 8th house, Greece will not have the best of luck now. Saturn is about to go in Sagittarius and never return back into Scorpio until 28 - 30 years later! (Can't wait!). Venus is the ruler of the 8th house. Venus is coupled with Mars (decisive action) but Mars is square to Saturn. Meaning that foreigners will now put us through the test as far as our money are concerned. There will be check-ups that will not allow for the squandering and misuse of the (loans, given) money. Money from others (banks, politicians, corporations from large groups/settings such the EU, US) will not come easy to us. And the politicians will want to "get it while it's hot" but they won't be able to grab it for long and will not be willing to give it for the good of the civilians, either.
Lastly, the ruler of the 10th house is Moon. Moon rules the feelings, the masses. Masses will be mesmerized by some (talented, charismatic) politicians but they have to watch out not to be deceived or taken advantage of. Women politicians will play a vital role in the political scenes now, is my guess. But the feminine archetype is still wounded going back in the ages and I don't know if these women will be finally able to take decisive, responsible decisions of/on their own.
The transiting North Node is transiting the critical degree of Libra. Impulsive action will be taken (mostly behind the scenes) as far as the economic situation is concerned (?). A reformulations of the banking/monetary system (?), a new currency (?) (Mercury in Libra). Maybe. But I don't think this endeavor will be vital because there aren't strong aspects from other planets/points supporting it, except from a sextile from Saturn (again Saturn in the 2nd, house of money/belongings). Also, since the True Node is usually an indicator of where good luck/karma is indicated if good things are carried out and chances grabbed by the hair, all things that are now planned behind closed doors (either good or bad) have more of a chance to meet success later on. So don't trust what people say/promise now, because there is certainly more than what meets the eye(s).
As far as how each zodiac sign will be affected, you have to take into consideration that:
Aries: this NM will fall into your 6th house (6th-12th axis affected)
Taurus: your 5th house (5 - 11 axis)
Gemini: your 4th house (4 - 10 axis)
Cancer: your 3rd (3 - 9 axis)
Leo: 2nd house (2 - 8 axis)
Virgo: your 1st house (1 - 7 axis)
Scorpio: 11th house (5 - 11 axis)
Sagittarius: 10th house (4 - 10 axis)
Capricorn: 9th house (3 - 9 axis)
Aquarius: 8th house (2 - 8 axis)
Pisces: 7th (1-7 axis)
Read more on how a NM affects the houses - axes in this article:
"Eclipses by House and Sign" on